Here are some examples of the trademark our company has helped to register:
Certificate № 540627 In effect since August 02, 2013 Owner DoubleGIS LLC The trademark is registered with classes: 09 - computer software, databases; 16 - geographical maps, handbooks; 35 - updating and maintenance of data in computer databases, advertising; 41 - providing online electronic publications; 42 - software databases, online handbooks development. |
Certificate № 547394 In effect since March 24, 2014 Owner Overmobile LLC The trademark is registered with classes: 09 - computer game software; 35 - updating and maintenance of data in computer databases; 41 - game services provided online from a computer network; 42 - game software development. |
Certificate № 568327 In effect since June 23, 2014 Owner TetraSoft LLC The trademark is registered with classes: 09 - oil and natural gas exploration and production software; 38 - information about telecommunication; 42 - oil and natural gas exploration and production software development. |
Certificate № 576136 In effect since July 10, 2014 Owner ProfGeoSoft LLC The trademark is registered with classes: 09 - oil and natural gas exploration and production software; 42 - oil and natural gas exploration and production software development. |
Certificate № 553554 In effect since November 29, 2013 Owner Content Monster Ltd. The trademark is registered with classes: 09 - electronic notice boards; 35 - updating and maintenance of data in computer databases, search, compilation and systemization of information into computer databases; 41 - publication of texts; 42 - software development. |
Certificate № 575232 In effect since February 16, 2015 Owner Chemiris A.G., entrepreneur The trademark is registered with classes: 16 - teaching materials; 35 - updating and maintenance of data in computer databases, search, compilation and systemization of information into computer databases; 41 - education information, tutoring. |
And plenty of wordmarks…
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