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Trademark verification

Why the trademark verification is necessary

The trademark (brand) registration verification is the process performed by the Russian Federal Agency for Intellectual Property related to goods/services which divided by classes and put in the special list (Nice Classification).

Since the application for trademark registration is filed the priority to use it is locked. The trademark registration entails the assignment of the intellectual property right to use such trademark since the priority settlement date.

The intellectual property right for the registered trademark means the right of its owner not only use and manage it but also restrain such actions for the third parties towards names which are identical or confusingly similar to the registered trademark, including domain names, brands or firm names. This restraint is effective if the name which is identical or confusingly similar to the registered trademark is used after the priority settlement date and in relation to the similar goods/services.

The trademark verification by similarity and identity with registered trademarks eliminates the risk of denial in the registration of such name as a new trademark.

Service “trademark online verification”

To verify the trademark you only need to email us the name you would like to be registered and mention which activities you plan to use it in.

To verify the trademark you only need to email us the name you would like to be registered and mention which activities you plan to use it in.

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Trademark verification results

After the verification is done you get:
  • picked especially for you preliminary list of goods/services according to the Nice Classification to register the trademark for your activities;
  • report with verification results based on the Russian Federal Agency for Intellectual Property Register for trademarks;
  • application with similar or identical trademarks found within the verification;
  • recommendations to eliminate risks of trademark registration denial.

Services after trademark verification

After review of the report, you can order the trademark registration in accordance with our recommendations.

If you have any questions you can ask our specialists for additional comments. We take orders for trademark verification and registration from our client all over Russia.

Learn more about the service Trademark registration >>>

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